Apparently there's a lot of money to be made in class-action
lawsuits—for the attorneys, not the claimants.
Clay Carter resigns his job in the D.C. public defenders' office to
follow the advice of a shady stranger in the pursuit of a multi-million dollar settlement
from a drug company.
This deal gives him
the resources to plunge into several lucrative tort cases and draws his
practice to the attention of other hugely successful attorneys who specialize
in these types of lawsuits.
Clay is at
first appalled at the trappings these lawyers have acquired, including private
jets and posh homes, but he soon feels the need for all these luxury items,
including a trophy girlfriend.
We know
that it's only a matter of time before his house of cards tumbles to the ground.
The question is when and how everything
will start to unravel as Clay becomes increasingly more cavalier about spending
huge sums of money.
Meanwhile, the love
of his life, Rebecca, whose nouveau-riche and obnoxious family never approved
of Clay's public defender job, has dumped him and married someone else.
At first, I was hoping Clay had won the
attorney's equivalent of the lottery, and I applauded his apparent disdain for
going overboard with the accoutrements that go with his newfound success, but
he disappoints in every way.
From a
reader's perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since we know he's
going down eventually.
Will he find
redemption and win Rebecca back?
question is what kept me reading.
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