TRIPLE SHOT by Sandra Balzo
Our narrator is Maggy, who co-owns a coffee shop
with Sarah. Two real estate agents have
been murdered in this small town in Wisconsin, and Sarah doubles as a realtor. When her intern Brigid turns up dead also,
the terror has hit a little too close to home, especially since her body is
found in a room under the coffee shop.
However, no one seems all that terrorized. The tennis ladies still show up for lunch,
even with crime tape on the premises, and Maggy does some amateur sleuthing at
a bar where Brigid was last seen. I
guessed the culprit as soon as the fourth victim was identified in a resident's
swimming pool, and so will you. Maggy is
sleeping with the handsome sheriff, but neither of them grasps the
obvious. Since the plot needed some
outsiders to provide a decoy, there's a TV crew in town to film the expected
recovery of some missing millions that the local Mafiosi skimmed from casino
loot. The show's star is Ward Chitown,
from Chicago—where else?
He's slimy and greedy but too new in town to finger for the
murders. Plus, he has no motive. Or does he?
I just found the whole situation too implausible, including the murders
themselves and the town's nonchalant reaction, and I can handle an implausible
plot if it's funny or entertaining or suspenseful, and this book just didn't
have enough of these attributes.
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