Monday, November 20, 2023

FOUR SOULS by Louise Erdrich

Louise Erdrich’s older books, such as this one, read like folklore that has been passed down through the Ojibwe tribe for generations, rather than a novel that has sprouted from her imagination.  For me, these books are challenging in that the pace is on a par with molasses.  Here we have multiple narrators and two semi-related storylines.  Fleur Pillager signs on as the laundress for the wealthy man who acquired her land by paying the back taxes and then stripped it of all the trees.  Fleur becomes his wife, bears him a son, and then plots how to regain her property.  She is the adopted daughter of Nanapush, whose unfounded jealousy drives him to some shenanigans, which spectacularly backfire, against the man he suspects of trying to steal his wife.  Side stories abound, and although it is culturally enlightening, this is just not the kind of book that I can sink my teeth into.

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