Tuesday, May 2, 2023

THE GUEST ROOM by Chris Bohjalian

Chris Bohjalian rarely disappoints, and this novel is one of his most gripping.  I am amazed at how prolific he is and how each of his novels is totally different from the last.  In this one, Richard Chapman agrees to host, in his beautiful home, a bachelor party for his despicable younger brother.  Even more despicable is his brother’s friend Spencer, who uses a shady source to hire two strippers for the party.  The strippers are actually prostitutes, accompanied by two large, scary-looking men, who are basically the strippers’ captors.  When one of the women, who may actually be underage, slits the throat of one of the captors, the men at the party are in shock.  Moments later, shots are fired, both captors are dead, and the strippers have disappeared lickety-split into the night.  There’s no hiding this disaster from Richard’s wife and young daughter, as their home becomes a crime scene—trashed and covered in blood.  From here, the plot branches into two storylines—Richard’s and Alexandra’s.  Alexandra is one of the strippers, who was taken from her Armenian home as a young teenager and groomed for prostitution.  Richard’s story is pretty much as you’d expect, as he struggles to repair his marriage, hold on to his job, and regain his self-respect.  Plus, despite the fact that he never actually had sex with either girl, the disgusting Spencer is blackmailing him with an incriminating video.  The storyline, particularly Richard’s, proceeds at a breakneck pace, and I was insanely curious about how he would ultimately fare in all this.  He is not blameless, not only because he got naked with a woman other than his wife, but also in that he should have known what to expect from his brother’s friends, given his brother’s own shortcomings.  Hindsight is 20/20, as they say, and Richard is deeply remorseful, wishing he could turn back the clock.   I hate when authors foreshadow the outcome, and Bohjalian gives a very broad hint that I could have done without.  Other than that, this thriller delivers.

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