Tuesday, August 23, 2022

HAPPY & YOU KNOW IT by Laura Hankin

Who even knew there was such a thing as a playgroup musician?  Claire is one, having been dumped by her band that is now hugely popular without her.  She may be struggling to make ends meet, but she is performing kids’ songs for wealthy moms and their children.  These women may seem to have it all together, but they have marital struggles as well as financial struggles of their own, and their secrets spill out one by one.  Claire becomes privy to these secrets and wrestles with her conscience about what to do about them.  One particular eye opener has ramifications beyond this one cozy playgroup, and these women’s response is not exactly humanitarian.  Claire becomes more and more involved with these women, who include her in various other activities, but at times she seems to be the only one with a conscience.  Still, this book has a very frivolous vibe, and, although the playgroup has at least half a dozen women, the author really only explores the personal lives of three of them.  Whitney is the beautiful host with an apathetic husband and a burgeoning social media presence.  Gwen comes from old money and owns a stunning brownstone, but her charming and handsome husband is a philanderer.  Finally, we have Amara, the only black woman in the group and in many ways the most enigmatic.  She befriends Claire and has communication issues with her husband, hiding the expense of boutique vitamins and quitting her job to become a full-time mom without discussing this intention with him.  All the moms are shallow and self-centered at times, but the author endows them all with love for their families.  They also seem to be unrealistically and inconsistently compassionate at times, so that their characters’ true personalities are a little out of focus.

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