WE ARE NOT OURSELVES by Matthew Thomas
Eileen becomes a nurse and finds that she is good at
it. After all, she is basically a nursemaid
for her entire life. First, she rises
prematurely to adulthood in order to cope with two hard-drinking parents. Then she marries Ed, who is a brilliant
scientist whose only aspiration is to teach.
In his early fifties, he starts to lose his faculties, so to speak, and
thus begins Eileen’s most taxing job yet.
Finally, their son Connell has inherited his father’s smarts but is an
easy mark for troublemaking peers. The
bottom line is that, at over 600 pages, this book is too long. I know that caring for an adult who is
sinking into early Alzheimer’s is a lengthy and thankless task, but, honestly,
I was so ready for this book to end. I
get that the author wanted to give us a sense of how draining this disease is for
the victim’s family, but this is not how I want to spend my leisure time. I also understand that the author wants to
educate us, but I just don’t think he needed to drag it out for so long. Plus, as is often the case with stories of
Alzheimer’s patients, the wife, who should certainly recognize that her
husband’s struggle in recording end-of-term grades is not normal, is in denial
while her husband is holding on to reality by a mere thread. The most heartbreaking example of this denial
is that Eileen wants to move to the suburbs into a fixer-upper whose price is
beyond their means. Ed wants to stay
put, obviously because change is scary for someone who is barely functioning on
familiar turf. Even their son, who accompanies
his father to class one day, realizes that stress is not a sufficient
explanation for his father’s problems.
Ed, who is more aware than anyone that he’s losing his grip, chooses not
to discuss the issue with anyone, in stereotypical male
“I-can-handle-this-myself” fashion. All
three characters have more than enough guilt to
go around: Ed, for having to
relinquish his role as patriarch; Connell, for failing to provide any relief or
assistance to his mother; and Eileen, for eventually having to seek outside help,
even though, as a nurse, she feels that she should be able to do the job alone. My favorite character, by far, is Sergei, the
last of Eileen’s hired caretakers, who somehow manages to calm the chaos and
give us readers, as well as Eileen, an uplifting break.
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