FATES AND FURIES by Lauren Groff
Like Gone Girl,
this book has two very different halves, the first of which is the husband’s
perspective, and the second half is the wife’s.
The husband is Lotto, a tall, charismatic man with a bad complexion and
a very wealthy mother. The wife is
Mathilde, who is smart and striking in appearance. They marry young, and Lotto’s buddy Chollie
is convinced that the marriage will be short-lived. Initially, Lotto struggles to make a living
as an actor in New York but then finds that he has talent as a playwright. Mathilde becomes his business manager, and in
the second half we find that she is really much more than that. The first half of the book, Lotto’s half, did
not hold my interest at all. Lotto is
just a big lap dog with creativity of genius proportions. The second half, in
which Mathilde is revealed to be quite multi-dimensional, is much more
lively. We’re not quite sure if she’s
evil or merely opportunistic or justifiably vengeful or perhaps even a
long-suffering martyr, but certainly her early life is more colorful, although
not necessarily in a good way, than his.
However, the second half skips back and forth in time, seemingly more so
than the first half, and I found the zigzagging timeline disconcerting and
annoying, as I tried to determine what had already happened and what was still
yet to come at any given point in the narrative. The first half of the book certainly sets the
stage for the second half, but I thought that the first half could have been
shorter, so that the author could spend more time filling in the blanks with
the contributions that Mathilde makes to the marriage and to Lotto’s career.
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