THE BIG SHORT by Michael Lewis
Leave it to Michael Lewis to explain the
sub-prime mortgage meltdown in terms that we laymen can understand. More importantly, he chronicles the steps
that three financial entities took to gamble that a debacle was coming and
therefore profit from it. These guys all
recognized that the so-called financial experts weren't. The real culprits, though, seem to have been
the ratings agencies, Moody and Standard & Poor, who were feeding the
frenzy with ridiculous AAA ratings on financial products made up of mortgages
obtained by consumers who couldn't possibly afford them. As always, Michael Lewis has examples that
will blow your mind. So how did anyone
profit from the collapse of the bond market?
They bought insurance against it, in the form of a product called a
credit default swap. And, you ask, who
would sell insurance on risky mortgages?
AIG, of course! The three
profiteers are a 3-man group called Cornwall Capital whose only investors were
themselves, plus 2 hedge funds. There's
actually one more guy, Greg Lippmann, a trader at Deutsche Bank, who also foresaw
what was about to go down, and bought some credit default swaps also. He persevered in wooing one of the hedge
funds, whose principals kept asking, "How are you going to f---
me?" In short, the credit default
swap buyers were very nervous that this opportunity couldn't possibly be real
but invested millions anyway. They reaped
many more millions in returns.
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