The Gold Coast is
my favorite Nelson DeM
ille novel.
Therefore, I felt that I owed it to myself to read the sequel.
The length, however, seems a bit
self-indulgent on the author's part. I enjoy the witticisms of the narrator,
John Sutter, but the play-by-play of his every move is a little much.
In fact, nothing much happens over the course
of almost 600 pages.
The late Elmore
Leonard refused to review books that were more than 300 pages, and I'm with him
on that.
Actually, I can go 350 with no
problem, but I digress.
John Sutter has
returned after a 10-year hiatus to the estate where he once lived with his wife,
Susan somehow managed to avoid
trial for murdering her lover, Frank Bellarosa, a Mafia don and government
witness, 10 years ago.
Now I ask
Why would John Sutter reunite with
this woman?
She must be really beautiful
and really good in bed, but even so, I felt that John was a little hasty in
kissing and making up.
Plus, since her
very wealthy parents dislike him intensely, they will surely cut off Susan's
allowance and her inheritance if John and Susan remarry.
knows that Susan can't possibly adjust to a more frugal lifestyle, and what if
their two adult children lose their trust funds?
John is an attorney, but he's unemployed at
the moment, and his past affiliation with the Mafia and a wife who literally
got away with murder may have a negative impact on his future opportunities.
This just seemed like so much silliness,
especially in contrast to
The Gold Coast,
which was such a good story about how seductive power can be.
The plot of this book also has a darker
angle, in that Bellarosa's son Anthony wants to avenge his father's death.
This means trouble for Susan, who can't quite
fathom that anyone would want to kill her.
See what I mean?
She's a little
ditsy, and I just couldn't quite buy that John would so easily and quickly
forgive and forget.
He lost my respect
by doing so.